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Laser-Assisted Hatching Treatment with IVF

Laser-assisted hatching is a cutting-edge technique used in conjunction with IVF to improve the embryo’s chances of implantation. You will be guided to laser-assisted hatching if you are having IVF failure owing to unknown reasons or a poor prognosis with IVF treatment.

Laser-Assisted Hatching Treatment

The unfertilized egg is surrounded by a shell called zona pellucida. The zona plays a crucial function in fertilization because it only enables one sperm to penetrate the zona and fertilize the egg.

The zona pellucida hardens after fertilization, during the cleavage stage of the embryo. This is quite natural and assists to keep the egg’s cells together. The cells must hatch out of the zona to implant in the endometrial lining of the uterine cavity.

The zona pellucida hardens at a considerably faster rate in an IVF laboratory than it does in a normal cycle, making it more difficult for the embryo to implant. If this step is skipped, implantation failure will occur, and pregnancy will not be possible.

The practice of generating a hole in zona to aid the embryo in the hatching process is known as assisted hatching. A tiny infrared laser beam is focused onto the embryo’s zona pellucida, which is then vaporized or dissolved, leaving a 10 to 20-micron hole. Just before the Embryo Transfer, laser-assisted hatching is performed to increase implantation and pregnancy rates.

The laser-assisted hatching success rates regarding clinical pregnancy and implantation rates for the laser aided hatching group were 38 percent and 50 percent, respectively.

Who Is Assisted Hatching Beneficial To?

In assisted hatching, lasers are employed safely. Before opting for laser-assisted hatching in IVF or ICSI therapy, it’s vital to know who might benefit.

  • Women over the age of 37
  • Women who have a high amount of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
  • Thick zona, frozen embryos with thick zona.

How does Laser-Assisted Hatching Work?

When the embryo is still in the lab on the third day after fertilization, the LAH technique is performed by SCI IVF Hospital and Surrogacy Centre India. A specialized laser is utilized to produce a breach in the zone pellucid in this method. The zona pellucida is softened by laser blasts, which aids in the creation of an opening. The embryo(s) is then implanted in the uterus.

This aids the embryo’s hatching and implanting in the uterus’ endometrial lining, resulting in a healthy pregnancy. 

The safest and most successful option is laser technology, which allows for a more regulated approach. The laser will not come into direct touch with the embryo, and the procedure will be carried out with extreme care and accuracy. This technique assures the embryo’s safety.

Though creating a tiny breach in the zona pellucida appears to be a straightforward process, it necessitates exact processes and the expertise of a professional specialist. The entire procedure is fast and just takes a few seconds.

Benefits of LAH

When compared to other aided hatching techniques, laser-assisted hatching is more precise. Because the embryo is not handled by hand during the LAH process, there is a lower risk of harm. The laser’s accuracy is set in the software, ensuring the embryo’s safety. Laser-assisted hatching increases the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.

Cost of laser-assisted hatching

Laser-assisted hatching cost India can range from INR 15,000 to INR 30,000 approx., depending on the reproductive facility. Further, the Laser-assisted hatching cost in Delhi is quite inexpensive and may be readily financed by anyone coping with a dismal prognosis.


Schedule an appointment with the SCI IVF Hospital now to learn more about laser-assisted hatching, IVF, and our other effective fertility procedures. Their mission is to assist you in overcoming your infertility difficulties.

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